lots of things been happening this year. Haziq is in relationship with Arfa Yunus. And ramai PEOPLE tak suke. OK.... but come to think bout it, am i disturbing them? And talk behind my fucking back? It's a small world. I will know what u said bout me, and when i talk bout em, tahu pulak nak melenting, panasnye bontot.
Korang kan people yg kononnye COOL.... perasan cool. Ape yang cool nye? pakai laptop mahal? pakai cell phone mahal like iPhone n BLUEBERRY CAKE tu? DURH.... if i want to buy, seriously i can buy. The prob is i'm not that freako to buy all those stuff so that i'm look cool. I spend my money on my bicycle. BTW it cost me more than 10k ady. Tp korang boleh ke beli, but hey, korang bukan minat pun. I have 5 iPod... tak menunjuk pon.
Besides, no need for u to be, or wanna be like the movies or reality tv show..... durh sgt typical. Be what ever u wanna be. Have ur own identity la sayang oi!
Seriously, bila baca and dengar mulut orang, WOW people really hate me, ape aku buat kat korang? Yang korang buat kat aku tak terfikir pula kepala otak yang bijaksana itu?
Yela kalau korang tu bijaksana, dan saya ni hanya manusia biasa yang bodoh, beli basikal mahal, nak kene kayuh lagi. Kalau korang mesti beli motor or kereta dgn harga sedemikian kan. Tp manusia macam korang ni lah yang tak bertamadun, wey kenderaan bermotor la punca bumi ni NAZAK... Panas nak mampus, pastu korang tahu nak complaint 'malaysia panasnye'. WTF
Well, like i said, mulut masing-masing. If u think what u are saying is true, and it brings good, go ahead. Coz i'm going to do the same thing.
So from now, i'm going to speak up my mind. A NEW BEGINNING